Spice.ai CLI documentation

Detailed documentation on the Spice.ai CLI

The Spice.ai CLI is a set of commands to create and manage Spice.ai pods and interact with the Spice.ai runtime.


The Spice.ai CLI can be installed by:

  • Running curl https://install.spiceai.org | /bin/bash
  • Downloading the binary from GitHub Releases

The spice program will be added to the PATH automatically for bash, fish, and zsh shells.

After installing the Spice.ai CLI for the first time, ensuring you’ve got the correct version by running spice version. The Runtime version is not expected to be shown, as the runtime will be downloaded and installed automatically upon first run.

Getting started

For getting started with Spice.ai using the Spice.ai CLI, see the Getting Started Guide.

Use spice help for all commands and spice [command] --help for more information about a command.

A typical command-line workflow might be as follows:

# Start the runtime
spice run

Run new shell in the same folder:

# Init new app
spice init spice_app

# Add the Quickstart Spicepod
spice add spiceai/quickstart

Common commands are:

Command Description
spice add Add Pod - adds a pod to the project
spice run Run Spice - starts the Spice runtime, installing if necessary
spice version Spice CLI version
spice help Help about any command
spice upgrade Upgrades the Spice CLI to the latest release

See Spice CLI command reference for the full list of available commands.


To update to latest CLI, run the upgrade command.

spice upgrade

Upgrade command is supported from CLI v0.3.1. For version < 0.3.1 users have to re-run the install script.


The Spice.ai CLI is installed by default to $HOME/.spice/bin/spice and a line added to the shell config, such as .zshrc

It can be uninstalled by deleting the spice binary and removing the PATH addition from the rc file.

Spice.ai CLI command reference

Spice.ai CLI command reference